Mental Health Project
Mending the medico mind
One of the most heart- wrenching facts of our generation is that a lot of people consider mental health problems unequal to physical health problems. We at PRASHA aim to bring a difference we at mental health forum support people who speak up . We encourage you to become your own knight in shining armour. We believe that a person’s greatest strength lies in being able to share your problems.
When mental is discussed what is the first problem that comes to your mind? Is it depression? Anxiety? These form a minor part of mental health problems. The spectrum of mental health problems is way bigger than you can imagine. We at PRASHA with our learned members aim to fight against this & together fight for you. We will take multiple steps to fight against this which include:
1. Mental health workshops
2. Film screenings
3. Self expression
Remember that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. We wish for you to choose yourself , heal with us. Healing is like a clap with two hands. We are eager to become your supporting hand. We believe in you. Your mental health forms a major part of your & your loved one’s life. Remember there are people waiting for you who care about you more than anyone on the planet. It affects your relationship with people who care about you. Your mental health is a deciding factor in everything, from your future to your present. How you feel right now is going to affect how you look at your future. So come be a part of this project & let’s mend the medico mind together!