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Do you remember how you felt about professor snape while watching the Harry Potter movies until the last movie?
He was considered to have pledged his allegiance to Voldemort but it was later revealed that he was protecting Harry all along! His 'story' revealed how he was the real hero all along!

But what if we were never shown his side of the story?
There are countless heroes among us, who become victorious on a daily basis, but we never get to know about it. Can you imagine how many can benefit from these untold experiences? It can easily inspire thousands, if not millions!

This is what ‘MedVenture’ is all about.
Here we will share your experiences, no matter good or bad, no matter who you are. If you are part of our healthcare community, we would be honoured to share your experiences, for you, on our global platform.
It can be any experience; if you talked to a patient for the first time; if you assisted in an operation; whatever it is, we are here to show your experience to the entire world.

Therefore, we hereby summon all those courageous people of our healthcare community, who wish to inspire others, to send us their stories & experiences & tell us everything their journey has offered them!
We will respect your privacy by keeping the stories anonymous or you can share a photograph with your general bio if you want to let people know you!

So, superheroes come find us & share your tales at:

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